
Gather Organize Mobilize

A practical tool

Mobilizon is a tool that helps you find, create and organize events.

You can also create a page for your group where the members will be able to get organized together.

An ethical alternative

As an ethical alternative to Facebook events, groups and pages, Mobilizon is a tool designed to serve you. Period.

No likes, no follows, no infinite wall to scroll: Mobilizon leaves you in control of your attention.

Federated software

Mobilizon is not a giant platform, but a multitude of interconnected Mobilizon websites.

This federated architecture helps avoid monopolies and offers a diversity of hosting terms of service.

What’s Mobilizon?

Mobilizon is an online tool to help manage your events, your profiles and your groups.

Your Events

On Mobilizon, you can create a detailed page for your event, publish and share it.

You can also search for events by keyword, place or date, participate in events (even without an account) and add them to your agenda.

Your Profiles

Setting up an account on a Mobilizon instance will allow you to create several profiles (i.e.: personal, professional, hobbies, activism, etc.), organise events and manage groups.

Before you create an account on an instance, don’t forget to discover how that instance works by reading its “about” page, to better understand its rules and policies.

Your Groups

In Mobilizon, each group has a public page where you can look up the group’s latest posts and public events.

When invited to join a group, members can participate in discussions and manage a common resource folder (i.e. links to a collaborative writing tool, a wiki, etc.)

We won’t change the world from Facebook. Surveillance capitalism won’t develop the tool we dream of, because they couldn’t derive any profit from it.
The time has come to build something better, by taking a different approach.

An emancipatory tool, designed differently

Mobilizon has been designed as a practical tool that respects your attention, your autonomy and your freedom.

Saving Your Attention

Mobilizon is not a social media, nor a hobby: it is a tool. You won’t find features like subscriptions counters, thumbs ups or info walls with infinite scrolling.

Mobilizon’s design aims to free your attention from the mechanisms of self-staging. This allows you to stay focused on what really matters: managing your events, your groups, your mobilization.

Diversity through Federation

Mobilizon is a federated software: hosts can install it on a server to create instances that act as Mobilizon websites. Mobilizon instances can be federated together so a profile registered on instance A may contribute to a group created on instance B.

This multiplicity makes it possible to diversify hosting conditions. (governance, ToS, charters) and to avoid the formation of monopolistic platforms.

Respecting Your Freedom

Mobilizon is a Free-libre software. This means its code is transparent, publicly auditable and there are no hidden features.

The code is built by the community, and everyone is free to fork it and lead the project into new directions.

It’s up to you

Subscribe to Mobilizon

Mobilizon operates as a network of interconnected hosts. Anyone with the required technical skills can host a Mobilizon server, referred to as an instance.

All instances are created, managed, moderated, and maintained independently by different administrators. They can choose to federate with each other to share their content.

You will find a community index of instances at

Before signing up for an instance, be sure to check its "About" page where the instance presents its terms of use, moderation policy, federation policy, etc. Only trust your data to sites run by people you trust.

Learn and contribute

The more this software is used and supported, the more people will use it and contribute to it, and the faster it will evolve into a concrete alternative to platforms like Facebook Events or Meetup.

You can:

  • Learn how to use (and install) Mobilizon in our documentation
  • Join the discussion on our forum

Who’s behind Mobilizon?

Framasoft created Mobilizon in 2019 through crowdfunding and developed the project until 2023. In 2024, Framasoft stepped back but continues to manage the eponymous instance at and participate in community work.

Kaihuri has been the main maintainer of Mobilizon since 2024. Since the establishment of this association in 2020, its volunteers have been managing the instances Keskonfai and Keskonfai Kids and are actively involved alongside Framasoft to develop Mobilizon.

This project is funded through NGI Zero Core, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet program. Learn more at the NLnet project page.

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